Feeling the BURN

The popular and effective Eagle Rock workout, completeBURN, is finally moving west and setting up shop at the swanky Mondrian hotel on Sunset Blvd. in West Hollywood.

I had a chance to attend the media preview on Tuesday and have had trouble walking ever since. CompleteBURN, created by Leah Purcell, is a high intensity interval-training program that uses bodyweight, kettlebells, and a stability step with resistance band to torch calories and skyrocket your heart rate.

Photo by Josh Reiss ( http://JoshReiss.com )

Photos by Josh Reiss ( http://JoshReiss.com )

Although we were going through a shortened class, I was dripping sweat about two minutes in and it never slowed down. Our class sampled each of the three classes that will be offered: power bodyweight, power weighted, and core.

First Leah led us through an “EMOM” workout where we switched exercises each minute, on the minute. If we finished before the minute was up we were able to rest until the next minute started. Each minute began with four burpees then we rotated between squat thrusters, bicep curls, kettle swings, and deep weighted squats using the step. We went though the sequence twice without a break.

Photo by Josh Reiss ( http://JoshReiss.com )

Next up was the bodyweight class where we did two rounds of 40 seconds on and 20 seconds resting. We did plank to squat jumps, deep squats, and mountain climbers.


Lastly (although I wasn’t sure if I could take anymore), Jake DuPree led us through a killer core and butt workout. I know Jake from Pure Barre Hollywood and his classes are always the most difficult. He doesn’t even give breaks during transitions!



After a quick stretch I checked my MioFuse and had apparently burned 1,100 calories, which is INSANE. While the fitness tracker wasn’t calibrated to my age, and weight, I do know that it was a tough workout that kept my heart rate high a majority of the time. I’m excited to use the MioFuse to track classes in the future.


CompleteBURN will be at the Mondrian Skybar every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this March at 7:00 am and is free to hotel guests and $25 for general admission. You can also visit their Eagle Rock location where classes are held Monday-Friday.


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