30-Minute Bodyweight Circuit Workout

Getting back on the workout train can be pretty difficult after any sort of hiatus. Thankfully, I have some motivation in the form of awesome friends who are always down to try something new and athletic together. Last week, Whitney, Rachel, and I got together for a little outdoor sweat session. With Whitney’s personal training background, and all of our fitness class addictions, we were able to piece together the perfect 30-minute bodyweight workout.

Since it was so gorgeous outside, we decided to get our sweat on in Whitney’s front yard. This workout is especially awesome because all you need is yourself (a cute Watermelon themed yoga mat doesn’t hurt either) and it includes cardio along with moves to tone your abs, arms, legs, and booty!

It’s a tough workout so don’t forget to hydrate, especially in the hot summer months when you sweat more than usual. Thankfully, our friends at Propel sent over some of their brand new watermelon flavor to test out. Since Propel is the only water with enough electrolytes to replace what is lost in sweat, it was the perfect addition to our circuit workout and the new flavor is equal parts refreshing and summery.


The low down: The workout consists of three circuits, each with three moves done three times. You do each move for 45 seconds, with a 15 second break in between. Once you’ve completed a circuit, you take a one-minute break and move on to the next! Easy peasy lemon squeezy (ok, I totally stole that from Luke at Training Mate…).

Circuit 1:

1. Side-Step Squat

How to: Start in a squat position, feet parallel about shoulder distance apart. While maintaining a low squat, bring your feet together. Step to the other side, staying in a the entire time. Keep alternating sides, coming together in the middle each time, for 45 seconds.

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2. Squat Jump

How to: Start in a squat position with your hands in prayer or lightly touching. Power through your heels and explode upwards, shooting your arms straight down and back. Land gently in a squat and repeat.

3. Plank with Shoulder Taps

How to: Begin in a full plank. Carefully take your right hand and tap your left shoulder while maintaining balance and alignment as best you can (try not to shift your body to compensate). Repeat with left hand tapping right shoulder.

Finished with this circuit? Head to Just Dimple It for Rachel’s three moves and To Live and Diet in LA so Whitney can show you hers!

We’re also thrilled you invite you to join Whitney, Rachel, and me as we team up with Propel at the Co-Lab Los Angeles event this summer! Although the sign-ups haven’t gone live quite yet, here’s the link where you can scope out the classes!

Want a chance to join us for the Propel Fitness Festival in LA this August? As part of the “Let’s Get Ugly” campaign, Propel has partnered with the Under Armour Map My Fitness app to celebrate the hard work at the gym. From May 15 – July 15, fitness enthusiasts who track their progress with Under Armour Map My Fitness app can earn rewards leading up to the event. If you earn enough points, you’ll be entered for a chance to win a trip to Propel Co:Labs Fitness Festival in Los Angeles, as well as a private workout with celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson (!!!!), and a $500 Under Armour gift card.

For more details on the contests and prizes, to sign up, and for contest rules, click here.

This post is sponsored by Propel but all opinions are my own.

2 thoughts on “30-Minute Bodyweight Circuit Workout

  1. manhattan1981amanda says:

    Oh I’m going to give this a try tomorrow! Wish me luck! Looks great thanks for putting this together with your other fitness pals!


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